Together, Doing Good In The Neightbourhood – For Over 20 Years

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PAWARA Public Meeting & AGM

Thursday 28th November 2024

7.15 pm

Deverell Hall, Purbrook

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Support PAWARA by playing the Havant Borough Community Lottery – Buy your tickets from our page and we get 50% to support our work in the local community.  Best of Luck!

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Appeal For Newsletter Deliverers

3891 newsletters are delivered 2 or 3 times a year by a dedicated band of about 30 volunteers. However there is always a need for new volunteers to cover areas without a dedicated deliverer and to cover for holidays and sickness.

Shortage areas at present are:- Purbrook Place (75); Taylor Close (26); Jaqueline Ave/Kennedy Close (84); Fir Copse Rd (98); part of The Dale (56) and part of Park Ave (86).

If you can help either as a permanent or temporary deliverer we would love to hear from you. Contact Malcolm on 92351092 or [email protected]. Thank you.

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