Together, Doing Good In The Neightbourhood – For Over 20 Years

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PAWARA Public Meeting & AGM

Thursday 28th November 2024

7.15 pm

Deverell Hall, Purbrook

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PAWARA Takes Action After Damage To Ladybridge Road Green Space

Local residents will remember all too well the incursion earlier this summer by a number of vehicles onto green open space and then the damage and rubbish that was found after they had left. PAWARA received several requests for help from local residents and multiple requests were made by PAWARA on behalf of all of us to Havant Borough Council. Whilst requests for information on the cost of incidents at Ladybridge Road required a Freedom of Information request to be submitted we hope the following details will ensure our elected representatives press Havant Borough Council for further improvements and increased security measures.

We asked on your behalf the following questions and Havant Borough Council replied as follows:

How many reported incursions have been made to Havant BC in the last 5 years (1st July 2018 – 1st July 2023) on this site?

July 2022: 1

September 2022: 2

June 2023: 3

How much has the clean up cost been on each occasion during that period?

It is roughly about £200 a time which includes waste disposal (this does not include green waste). On average it costs £475 to clear and dispose of green waste from each site.

Can we see copies of all emails and reports referring to Ladybridge Road, Purbrook about securing the area for the period of 1 January 2021 to date?

The following defences were installed at the Ladybridge Road site this year:

12 Dragon Teeth Posts – £1,483 + VAT

Locking Entrance Barrier – £2,890 + VAT

We do not hold any correspondence or reports on the matter.

PAWARA will continue to press our elected representatives to ensure our community does not experience this again.

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