Together, Doing Good In The Neightbourhood – For Over 20 Years

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PAWARA Public Meeting & AGM

Thursday 28th November 2024

7.15 pm

Deverell Hall, Purbrook

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Report A Problem With Paving

If you see a highway issue which needs urgent attention:
• Phone 0300 555 1388 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) • Outside of office hours, phone 101 (emergencies only)

Pavements will deteriorate quicker in heavily-used pedestrian areas and where there is a need for utility companies to lay and maintain their equipment. When a problem is reported to us, we will inspect, assess and repair where necessary or forward details to any relevant third-party.

Pavements that are considered dangerous are those likely to cause a trip hazard or result in a fall. Cracked or unsightly pavements are not normally classed as dangerous. Minor repairs such as raised slabs and block paving are repaired throughout the year within an appropriate timescale.

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